What is Hip hop to you? #VoxPops

--> HIP HOP is described as a culture and form of ground breaking music and self expression with elements that consisted of the elements of graffiti art, DJing, MCing,break dance and other elements. Today Hip-Hop is considered to be dead in the mainstream because so-called mainstream Hip-Hop doesn't have the elements of hip-hop and have no meaning. So sisters n rap went down the streets of Cape Town we wanted to know How do they describe hip hop,What does it mean to them and what excites them about hip hop there are so many genres why did they choose HiP HOP and this is what they had to say: K.t. Swaggs I personally describe hip hop as the art of playing around with words to create something that's appetizing to the ear and it makes u forget about your worries i love sounding deep things that take full attention for one to understand and that's hip hop to me something that leaves one thinking how did he think of tht Phuthu...