Having a nice chat with one of the best hustler in Cape Town SnR Snarks Ou is classified has a hustle artist who always get right deals. So how do you do it? Snarks Ou I'm really honored to be classified as that, it is one of the reasons that motivate me to keep going but besides that it's the passion, the hunger and self belief I have. I don't wait for opportunities to be opened I open opportunities myself, I convince the corporate people and make them believe in me. I take chances and I goggle a lot, I found some of the big radio stations that played my music through Google. That's my secret which is no longer a secret now cause you also know about it.'then he laugh' SnR You not doing Hip Hop for the fun of getting in stage, I see Hip Hop lives in you as you passionate about it. When did you start rapping? Snarks Hehe exactly! I started in 2008. SnR Yhoo you've been to long in the game mos. What are the disadvantage of getting ...
Showing posts from August, 2013