Venue: KaMlamli Ny- 146 Guguletu( find Poster attached as well) Time: 11am till 6pm Donation: R20 Date: 30th November 2013 Line up: Phoenix Backyard NakedMynd Mishy Poetry Lulu Poetic Xabiso Damba Zanzolo Khayalethu Anthon( Actor) Muziek Sensation M4M Crew Matic Devine Production and many more DJ'S @ Soul Difnition Hosted By Fundi Ntshwanti. Ncedolwethu Edu-care Center was established in 1994 by Florence Dodovu and is located in Mfuleni (near Blue Downs) in the Western Cape, South Africa . Florence has more than 9 children living with her that have been abandoned. She also runs an Edu-care Center for approximately 35 children from the neighbourhood (from 7 am to 5 pm from Mondays to Fridays). Many of the children rely on the Center for their only meal of the day. GroundFloor Management has put t...