Hop people have that tendency of saying you just an infant in this Hip
Hop movement so went down to the streets of cape town what we really
wanted to know is?
How does one feel when people start treating them like they don't exist
or they don't add value in the movement and how do you respond to such
Is it a necessity for people who claim that they been too long in the
game to offend you guys like that?
And this is what they had to say about the whole thing

Hell no... I'd like to say it's not about how long you've been doing it
BUT it's about now how you're delivering not to disrespect the Legends
but respect must come from both sides and do music. So to answer your
question it ain't no cat has a right calling others with that.

Gwedz-Naytor Dywili
My sister it's not really about how long you been in the game or
whatsoever. The game need smart people, people who are willing to
educate themselves about the industry. Cape Town Got what it takes but
it's full of arrogant acts who don't even have BIO.
I actually don't think that to me its offending especially if it comes
from someone who haven't achieve ish. Yeah we do know they be those who
will be like 'who are you' but end of the day they know what's popping.
Our scene need people who will to bring change and bring glory to the
All in all my sister, I might have not been in the game for a long time
like Ready D, Emile or DAT but it's all about me elevating and making
sure I make statement where I go with this entertainment.

Nella Wah-li Mrubata
For me personally, I've never been called an infant or any other term in
the line with that word. Even in If were to be called one, I wouldn't
really mind because I've long acknowledged the fact that I'm new in the
game or rather an "infant" as you put it, both subconsciously and in my
Older cats claiming to be in the game long don't necessarily affect me
in any way' Personally and in a musical manner. Because at the end of
the day I'm not really making music for other cats but rather for the

First of all Hip Hop is about music nhe . So people have the right to
say whatever they wanna say whether they have a decade or 2 years in
the industry. It all boils down to make music we make. You can have 2
decades in the industry and still have music that needs tuning here and
there, then on the other hand have a MC that has 2 years in the
industry doing something way better... Then that is when you know that
your DECADE story is nothing but an invalid story when it comes to
music. That's what I tell myself when I find myself in that situation.

Yes I do feel like treated as an infant but I see that these people
doing that don't know nothing about Hip Hop they just talking bull but
to them it's like it's not about what you know it's about how long
you've been in the game which sucks cause new skills comes with new
people and old people can learn new things.
Thank you guys 4 readng the update