Sisters 'n Rap was invited to BEYOND EXPECTATION ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT as they were celebrating 10 year years of existing as an organisation runs by young people

Sisters ‘n Rap was invited by one of the BEEP member Nosabatha Mnyatheli Who attend school in Ntsebenziswa Senior Secondary School in Phillipi Cape Town over the weekend ’24 Oct 2015’ as BEEP was celebrating their 10 years existing as the organization. Beyond Expectation Environmental Project is a grassroots for youth by youth environmental organisation, which educates youth from previously disadvantaged backgrounds on environmental issues whilst simultaneously tackling some of the many social issues faced in their communities BEEP was founded by a young man name Lindela Mjenxane stay in Phillipi who saw a need of this organisation to help young people to know more about the environment as they spend most of their camping time at the Table Mountain . Who later was joined by K hanyiswa Zangqa (Board member) who now opened the new BEEP organisation at the Eastern Cape eNgcobo . With the help of Lungisa’s Mother BEEP is what it is today because of Lun...