"Many cats have never performed in events that are not purely hip hop therefore their fan base does not go beyond the borders of hip hop."
Sisters ‘n Rap had a chat with Phila Magidigidi one of
Door2Door event organiser.
Door 2 Door is an annual event in its third year, where Hip
Hop artists from Cape Town welcome their Tshwane counterparts. Door 2 Door is a
wonderful platform where Cape Town artists get a chance to prove to their local
fans that they are the best in their art and craft while Gauteng artists get a
chance to dominate their streets of Cape Town through their performance.

Phila Magidigidi- PR and Marketing ,Event Organiser, Artist manager
As we all know the upcoming event in Cape Town everyone is
talking about is #INDIBANO
As Sisters ‘n Rap we would like to know the following:
SnR: What are you expecting from #indibano?
Phila: Well, it’s all about unity. The expectation is to see
all Cape Town entertainers along with their entire fan base in one venue at the
same time.
If you look at the current state of Cape Town entertainment
there’s just too many divisions, genres hating on each other and people within
the same genre also don’t tolerate each other.
Look at Hip Hop for instance (zooming on it because I’m hip
hop and this is a hip hop blog), many cats have never performed in events that
are not purely hip hop therefore their fan base does not go beyond the borders
of hip hop. As a result it is very difficult to attract sponsors for a purely
hip hop event in Cape Town as most of them think that hip hop is not that big.
Now #Indibano is aimed at being that bridge that brings all
other music genres close to hip hop heads and hip hop to all other genres.
SnR: How do you feel about #Indibano?
Phila: I’m very excited, in fact I’m lost for words.
#Kasiinstawalk and a whole lot of clothing brands are also part of the movement.
We are trending on social networks, the selfie challenge is
popping and we are doing all of that without even publishing the line-up.
SnR: What impact will it play in your career as an artist?
Phila: Well I am an events organizer and not an artist. I am
also studying events management and therefore being part of such a massive
revolution will definitely open doors.
Remember it’s about building networks so I encourage artists
to come through and gain network and experience from all the stakeholders of
the event.
SnR: Do you think #Indibano will bring Unity within the Art
and Entertainment Industry?
Phila: Most certainly, I mean people are not going there to watch
anyone specific but everyone is there for the idea of unity.
There are plans in place of how to maintain the momentum,
pity I can’t share them yet, but I can assure you that unity will be achieved.
We are not naive to think it’ll happen overnight but we are
proving that united we do a lot more.
SnR: Do you have any closing remarks?
Phila: Thank you sister’s n rap for your support and massive role
you play in the industry
For more information or further clarity you are welcome to
contact Manez Sobethwa as he heads our PR team currently.
For more information contact 079 650 8471

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