Sisters ' Rap is one of the Heads 'N Raps fans who happen to be there every weekend so they took the courage of researching about the open mic session and this what they have to say about HnRs!!!!!!!!
There was an open mic here in Phillipi, called Udaba Nosiba around 2009, but faded in 2010. Masibulele Ntsikane Lote, was involved in that open mic session and he is one of the artists that used to perform during the running of the open mic session. After the session faded, Ntsikane took the courage of opening his own session, which is known today as Heads n Raps. Heads n Raps is a platform for upcoming and well known artists to showcase their rap skills in the eyes of the Hip Hop music supporters. The open mic session is not only focused in rap music, poets are also given a platform to perform their poems in the Hip Hop session. We all know some rappers started as poets artists and now they rhyme on top of a beat. HnR don't have a age,race nor gender barrier everyone is welcomed to come and perform. Lot of people would say if you an upcoming artist and you perform in a open mic event organisers acknowledge you to perform in their events and for a artist its a dope thing to be on the line-up for that particular event.

We all our aware every Park Jam or Mic Session has a way of doing things,HnR happens to be one of the mic session which we can say it is strict with time, and if you arrived late it’s not possible that you are going to perform early sometimes you can even be the last act or not perform at all due to time. Friendship has nothing to do with whether an artist gets a chance to perform or no. The open mic session starts at 2pm and by 12pm Ntsikane and the team will be at the Library waiting for people in the meantime the DJ plays the music. But you will not see any artist around 12pm-1pm to come and write their names in the performing list 'line-up'. Yhooo come 3 o'clock all of them will run after the host begging to perform but they never in time, not that i blame them cause their fans wants to see their favourate artists o crews on stage .

Eish the year 2012 the Heads n Raps faded and Cape Town Hip Hop scene was never the same to some of the the people who supports HnRs. Our weekends was never the same and Phillipi was a boring place. As i was chatting to Ntsikane that Head n Raps is doing fine he replied 'yhoo my sister am telling you Heads are going far just watch the space' he also mentioned that when you working for a wide audience when you work alone is not wise. And now this year '2013' Ntsikane is working with a team and they understand each other, they say every week they have a meeting and that is where they analyze the previews session. The heads n raps team used to be Ntsikane, Tshova, DJ Thabo, Imboni and Khanyisa

But this year things has changed two member left the team so Ntsikane and Tshova decided to recruited three members.
The Heads 'n Raps team are
Ntsikane Masibulele Lote
Tshova Zenendaba
Dj Khumbi Kholekile
Lumko Slu Mfihlewa
Monica Skota
Contact details
sluda10@gmail.com / Headsnraps@mail.com
0603594028 Tshova
0829262357 Lumko
Heads N' Raps page
Lol eeey I remember the 1st tym I was performing at "Udaba Nosiba" 2010 was just too nice I had a nice performance and gat lot of love, that's where I 1st meet Pro X and Van D I think Vegita wayelikrwala that tym... I was standing up for worcester representing VMP Qha Qwaba Ke !