ZUBENICE THE REDseason - REDseason - REDseason!
REDseason - REDseason - REDseason!

"What's all this REDseason thing? Why are you always dressed in red?"
If you don't read this update you will have no right to ask me anything about red.
My name is Zubenice, a young Rap artist who rather regards himself a musician than a rapper. Let me get straight to the point!
I wear red, I love red! Anything else besides that? - Yes, so much!
There is a whole lot of us in this Hip Hop movement. There are rappers, dancers, skaters, and everybody, including those who just love it as a fashion. We are just too many and we all look the same.
It is important for an artist to have something that will make them stand out from the crowd. It is important to have your own image. I chose wearing red clothes.
I wear my red outfit whenever I go to a music-related or entertaining event. It makes it easy for people to recognize me. For instance, imagine you're at an event and there's this rapper who really does it for you! It's the first time you see him/her and you really like what you see. It happens that you see them again, maybe after a year or two and you've forgotten their name, you will never recognize them until someone reminds you (this is the guy who was performing the XYZ track at the XYZ event)

Now take Zubenice for an example. You see me for the first time, whether you like me or not, you happen to forget my name. Now you see me again after 5 years, wearing the same outfit, wouldn't you recognize me? Now you see the difference? Cool.
I chose to look different from everyone, so I decided to take the red look. At first it seemed so weird and it got me thinking that people will talk. Lol I know people always talk, and I remembered that the weirder the situation the more they talk. I remember one of the first days, I was passing by hundreds of school pupils and all their eyes were glued on the red guy in the street, I even heard one of them shout "Valentine!" Lol that gave me more confidence.
I call it the REDseason just to get people wondering what it is, and I know the more they wonder the more it gets to their heads lol. I want people to have something to talk about when they see me. It's just to get people talking and asking, which is what's happening right now. So many people have been asking me about this.
Well I can say I have found my image as an artist and I'm definitely sure that when someone hears/mention my name they have/see a red guy in their head. Good! (Y)
I would have chosen any look or any color but I chose red for a certain reason. It's not just red for the sake of having a color, there's a reason behind this REDseason thing.
We all know that the color red is a symbolic color of love, so basically it's for the LOVE of what I do. Now you get it!

I'm Zubenice, and I wear red, coz it's that #REDseason brazin!!!
Twitter: @zubenice / www.twitter.com/zubenice
Facebook Page: Zubenice / www.facebook.com/zubenice
WhatsApp: 0822951108
BBM: 2962147C
"What's all this REDseason thing? Why are you always dressed in red?"
If you don't read this update you will have no right to ask me anything about red.
My name is Zubenice, a young Rap artist who rather regards himself a musician than a rapper. Let me get straight to the point!
I wear red, I love red! Anything else besides that? - Yes, so much!
There is a whole lot of us in this Hip Hop movement. There are rappers, dancers, skaters, and everybody, including those who just love it as a fashion. We are just too many and we all look the same.
It is important for an artist to have something that will make them stand out from the crowd. It is important to have your own image. I chose wearing red clothes.
I wear my red outfit whenever I go to a music-related or entertaining event. It makes it easy for people to recognize me. For instance, imagine you're at an event and there's this rapper who really does it for you! It's the first time you see him/her and you really like what you see. It happens that you see them again, maybe after a year or two and you've forgotten their name, you will never recognize them until someone reminds you (this is the guy who was performing the XYZ track at the XYZ event)
Now take Zubenice for an example. You see me for the first time, whether you like me or not, you happen to forget my name. Now you see me again after 5 years, wearing the same outfit, wouldn't you recognize me? Now you see the difference? Cool.
I chose to look different from everyone, so I decided to take the red look. At first it seemed so weird and it got me thinking that people will talk. Lol I know people always talk, and I remembered that the weirder the situation the more they talk. I remember one of the first days, I was passing by hundreds of school pupils and all their eyes were glued on the red guy in the street, I even heard one of them shout "Valentine!" Lol that gave me more confidence.
I call it the REDseason just to get people wondering what it is, and I know the more they wonder the more it gets to their heads lol. I want people to have something to talk about when they see me. It's just to get people talking and asking, which is what's happening right now. So many people have been asking me about this.
Well I can say I have found my image as an artist and I'm definitely sure that when someone hears/mention my name they have/see a red guy in their head. Good! (Y)
I would have chosen any look or any color but I chose red for a certain reason. It's not just red for the sake of having a color, there's a reason behind this REDseason thing.
We all know that the color red is a symbolic color of love, so basically it's for the LOVE of what I do. Now you get it!

I'm Zubenice, and I wear red, coz it's that #REDseason brazin!!!
Twitter: @zubenice / www.twitter.com/zubenice
Facebook Page: Zubenice / www.facebook.com/zubenice
WhatsApp: 0822951108
BBM: 2962147C
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